Thursday, October 1, 2009

How You Could Make $10′000 per Month

Many readers asking me about how can they work on Internet and don’t worry about their primary offline job. I wrote about many ways to make money online and about many online business opportunities, but some things was proved by me in last month. I wish to list all the ways for you. Lets begin.

1. Soft selling. I am not engaged in this niche, because it is very specific, but I know people which are doing about $20′000 per month. There are hundreds of affiliate programs and scripts, by means of which anybody could sell their software product. If you are not programmer, but have a great software idea, employ someone to make it for you and make money selling product through affiliate partners...

2. CopeacFreelancing Domain business. I know one guy, who is doing more than $5′000 per month selling domains on domain auction on SedoSEO and make a big money.

3. Text-Link-AdsGoogle AdsenseProbloggerShoemoneyguyUSA who made $2,5 millions buying and selling forums. I have just started my experiment with it.

4. Net of blogs. It is working very well. Even using Adsense only, such way of income, could bring you more than $3′000 per month.

5. Selling advertising places. If you have blog which Page Rank is 4 or more, and it is good optimized, you could make about $1′000 per month selling advertising places. It’s checked.

6. Affiliate advertising. Why not? You don’t have to look for advertise, you could put down any relevant banner as affiliate partner and make up to 50% per lead or sale.


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