Monday, October 5, 2009

Donald J. Trump - The Business Leader Who Thrives on the Art of the Deal

Donald Trump (a.k.a. The Donald) is a business leader like no other. Many claim that he is a genius while others report that he is not as rich as he claims to be. Either way, one has to concede one thing that he has achieved - Trump is undeniably a brand name today.

Donald Trump - Real Estate is His Domain

Donald Trump was born to affluent parents. His father, Fred Trump, is a multi-billion dollar real estate tycoon (without much of the publicity that his son has around him). Needless to say, young Donald had a good education but there was definitely a fire in him.

One anecdote often cited is when he punched his music teacher in the second grade because he thought the teacher "didn't know anything about music".

Trump began his business career at his father's company, Trump Organization. His first successful deal was when he bought his first property from a cash-strapped transportation firm and then later sold it to the government. He was 25 years old at the time.

Since then, Trump has had many real estate deals... with many of them not succeeding due in large part to the recession. In fact, in the mid-1990s, Trump had about $900 million in personal debt and approximately $3.5 billion in business debt. These events ended with Trump declaring business bankruptcy. In 1999, however, his father, Fred Trump, died and sales of his real estate business enabled Donald to bail himself out of his own financial problems.

So why then is Donald J. Trump deemed a great American business leader? Donald Trump never gives up. He has tremendous self-confidence and is a huge risk taker. And last but not the least, Trump is a survivor. Case in point - despite the financial losses that surrounded him, he managed to ingrain himself in the minds of the public via the reality TV show The Apprentice where his "You're fired." comment at the end of each show became a popular catch phrase. Trump has indeed bounced back and is today estimated to be worth $2.5 billion.

The Donald J. Trump Quick Bio

Full name: Donald John Trump, Sr.

Birth date: June 14, 1946

Birth place: Queens, New York

Key success traits: extremely self-assured, knows how to create and market a brand, un undeniable risk taker, a survivor

Company: Trump Organization

Industry: Construction and Real Estate

Additional: The success of Donald Trump in the entertainment arena has enabled him to branch out into other businesses, all of course bearing the Trump name. These include the Donald J. Trump Men's Collection, Trump Ice (bottled water), Trump Magazine, Trump Vodka and Trump University (a business school established in 2005)


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